研究成果 ―1997年
- Susuki K., N. Handa, H. Kiyosawa and J. Ishizaka:Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Phytoplankton Pigments in the Central Pacific Ocean along 75。E during the Boreal Summers of 1992 and 1993. Journal of Oceanography, 53:383-396.
- Harada K. and T. Fukushima:Result of Seabed Disturbance Experiment and Bottom Sediment Investigation. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Environmental Studies for Deep-sea Mining, 133-142.
- Shirayama Y. and T. Fukushima:Respons of a Meiobenthos Community to Rapid Resedimentation. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Environmental Studies for Deep-sea Mining, 187-196.
- Ogawa K., K. Furusawa and T. Fukushima:Water Quality Characteristics of the Upper Layer of the Central Pacific. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Environmental Studies for Deep-sea Mining, 245-251.
- Murano G., K. Furusawa and T. Fukushima:Distribution and Abundance of Zooplankton and Phytoplankton along the Base Line Transect (9。N). Proceedings of the International Symposium on Environmental Studies for Deep-sea Mining, 253-269.
- Tsuji M., B. G. Barnett and K. Ogawa:Resedimentaion of Discharged Sludge by Advection and Dispersal Analysis, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Environmental Studies for Deep-sea Mining. 271-285.
- Tsuji M. and K. Furusawa:Bottom Current of JET Survey Site. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Environmental Studies for Deep-sea Mining, 287-302.
- Shirayama Y. and T. Fukushima:Benthic Organism Distribution in the Japanese deep sea Mining Claim Area. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Environmental Studies for Deep-sea Mining, 311-316.
- Furusawa K.:Effect of Deep sea Bottom Water on Growth and Composition of Phytoplankton Communities. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Environmental Studies for Deep-sea Mining, 321-327.
- Fukushima T. and M. Imagjima:A Study of a Macrobenthos Community in a Deep Sea Resedimention Area. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Environmental Studies for Deep-sea Mining, 331-335.
- Matsui T., K. Ogawa and T. Fukushima:A Distribution of Megafauna Two Years After a Deep Sea impact. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Environmental Studies for Deep-sea Mining, 337-344.
- 武田重信・西岡 純・新島恭二・坂口 勇・清野通康・C. S. Wong・K. Johnson・F. A. Whitney・高橋正征・深見公雄・津田 敦・清沢弘志・川延京子・小畑 元・鈴木光次:メソコスムスによる海洋浮遊生態系の栄養環境変動に対する応答の実験研究−実験の概要と多量栄養物質の変動−.日本海洋学会春季大会.
- 清沢弘志・川延京子・武田重信・C. S. Wong・高橋正征:メソコスムスによる植物プランクトン群集の挙動解析.日本海洋学会春季大会.
- 石川公敏・小川浩史・鋤崎俊二・加藤憲二:東京湾の微細食物網(Microbial loop)の研究(ECOMIC_6).日本海洋学会春季大会.
- 中尾 徹・鋤崎俊二・辻 正明:東京湾口部の熱塩フロントにおける有機物現存量.日本海洋学会春季大会.
- 浦野庸子・中根 徹・阿部 誠・杉森泰宏・藤田 真:人工衛星 NOAA による東京湾の表面水温分布の季節変動−多層流体モデルの解析結果とその比較−.海洋理工学会春季大会.
- Kaneko(Sato)T., Y. Maejima and H. Teishima:The abundance and vertical distribution of abyssal benthic fauna. Proceedings of 7th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 1 : 475-480.